Thecophq Crusade

Greater Kumasi for Christ Crusade

The church believes that the gospel should not only address the spiritual needs of individuals but also contribute to the overall development of communities. As a result, the church’s evangelistic efforts encompass a wide range of activities, including preaching, teaching, community service, and development projects.

Into the Wold we Go

Evangelism within the Church of Pentecost is characterized by a holistic approach that focuses on both spiritual and social transformation. The church believes that the gospel should not only address the spiritual needs of individuals but also contribute to the overall development of communities. As a result, the church’s evangelistic efforts encompass a wide range of activities, including preaching, teaching, community service, and development projects.

One of the key features of the Church of Pentecost’s evangelism strategy is the use of itinerant evangelists and missionaries. These individuals are trained and sent out to various regions of Ghana and other countries to share the Christian message, plant churches, and engage in community outreach. The church places a strong emphasis on training and equipping its members for effective evangelism, with programs that focus on biblical teachings, discipleship, and leadership development.

Daily Devotional

Jesus Never Changes

I grew up in churches with wooden tables placed right under the pulpit. It was where they placed elements for communion and flowers for funerals. On the front lip was inscribed todays passage. Hebrews 13:8 was one of the first verses I became familiar with as I grappled with the meaning of its theology. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Even as a young child, I would see these words burnt into the wood on the table, and it gave me a quiet assurance that Jesus never changes.

Hebrews 13:8

Prayer Points:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever